Brandon Lusk



I just finished up my summer internship at Northwestern Mutual where I worked in the actuarial department developing a CRUD web app to track actuarial assumptions. I plan on receiving my Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering as well as a second major in Computer Sciences from UW-Madison in December 2022. I enjoy learning about the development process and am especially interested in software engineering. Furthermore, I enjoy the problem solving process and like applying the knowledge I have learned in the class room to real world applications (see my GitHub for examples of this). Finally, I have been fortunate enough to receive the Chick Evans Caddie Scholarship and participate in philanthropic events that they have throughout the school year.

Previously, I…

  • was a software developer intern at West Bend Mutual Insurance where I helped to develop a rating integration API that retrieved insurance quotes 98% faster than the previous implementation.
  • was an applications development co-op student at Madison Gas & Electric working on writing internal applications to help engineers better supply energy to the greater Madison area. For example, I wrote a web application that visualized electrical loads on transformers and allowed the field engineers to make adjustments to ensure no transformer was overstressed. I worked full time throughout the summer and fall of 2020.
  • was an assistant manager and lifeguard at the Cedarburg Community Pool.
  • was a honor caddie at Ozaukee Country Club.


  • I enjoy playing soccer and basketball or pretty much that gets your heart pumping (besides rollercoasters).
  • Lifeguarding was my favorite highschool summer job.
  • I have a certificate in German and enjoy speaking it in my free time as well as watching the Bundesliga on the weekends.
  • I enjoy reading and am currently reading Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid .
  • During my breaks from school, I have gotten into backpacking and hiking! My favorite national park would have to be Big Bend National Park.
  • On the weekends, I usually end up working on my car. I am either cleaning it, repairing it, or driving it!